Weeknotes #12

These are hectic times indeed. Every minute of the diary is allocated until October 9th (final submission date for masters) so weeknotes might be a little more brief until then.


Plenty going on between Britten and Mozart – lots of context switching, multi-tasking and the potential for longer-term initiatives. Thinking a lot about roadmaps and prioritisation in non-commercial settings and for service teams. Thinking about how to organise innovation work. Reflecting on how great communities come about in large teams. Lots of good stuff.


Lots here too. Attended my (hopefully) final tutorial day, which focussed on the final assessment for the course, and got underway with research interviews which have proved more enlightening than I could have hoped for on a couple of levels. These will continue through August before I start writing up in earnest.


Spent about 36 hours of family time in Wales (despite the unseasonal August wind and rain), a glorious two hours with this podcast about one of my favourite art groups, the Flaming Lotus Girls, and lovely catch up with former work folks Vic and Chris for a reminisce about old (work) times, plotting future adventures, reflecting on loss. Good for the soul.

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