Initial engagement with Britten is wrapping up with a view to a bit more down the line, so I’m tying string around the packages I’ve left here and reflecting on what I’ve learned from this new type of endeavour. It’s a great team to work with, but it lives inside a large, complex organisation with some fundamental challenges in how it communicates its strategy; with quite siloed development and delivery teams. It’s exciting to see new ideas I’ve implemented take root to tackle some of these anti-patterns of good working practice. Time will tell if they are successful but already seeing some positive signs.
First-time visitors from California to London staying this week, C & T. Wisely we held off planning anything too strenuous for the first couple of days as they were both entirely jet lagged after two days spent with family en-route in Ireland.
Conducted my final interviews for the dissertation this week – and had some useful reflective conversations by chance with some burner friends which really helped me concrete the arc of the narrative. I didn’t expect inspiration to come from post-dinner chat but this serves as further proof that bouncing ideas off others is the way forward.