It’s been a reasonably good week.
- Now 100% certain last week’s lurgy wasn’t covid through testing. Thanks, coronavirus home testing kit team!
- I self isolated for 10 days from first symptoms anyway. It wasn’t much different to not self isolating, given the level of restrictions at the moment.
- Really missed cycling, though, and very glad to have started that again this weekend.
- Work continued throughout – starting a couple of smaller new engagements alongside the juggernaut at the moment feels quite exciting and energising. It’s all go on all fronts, but the break in December really helped get my energy levels back up again. I’ve been collating a few reads on product management in a crisis – more on that in coming weeks .
- To wind down I have been spending a little time with Logic Pro mixing together a rough guide vox of an eight-part arrangement for Pink Singers. It’s been great to pick up an audio project again. DAW software is so much more legible than when I was last using it in earnest 15-20 years ago.
- Felix did a really wonderful tutored cocktail tasting class for a few people last Thursday.
- Treated myself to a Fitbit to help me track my heart rate during exercise. I forgot that it can be quite handy to have the time on your wrist. The heart rate monitor seems pretty good too – and a good measure of when I was sick (elevated resting pulse of 75) vs not (normal resting pulse of about 61).
- My favourite frying pan developed a hole through overuse. The whole kitchen is getting a bit worn out. But getting a new frying / sauté pan is surprisingly stressful when you can’t go to a shop and properly nerd out over it.
- On the subject of food, splashing out on Hide at Home for J’s birthday and ordering good-value but exceptional curry directly from Darjeeling Express knocked the socks off the normal deliveroo fare and got me excited about going out for dinner again, whenever that is.
- Definitely put on weight over Christmas/New Year. What a surprise.
- Watched a couple of quite nice queer films this weekend: the weirdly humorous Love and Death on Long Island with John Hurt and Jason Priestly, and the utterly beautiful Georgian coming-of-age first love film And Then We Danced.
- News of lots of medics I know, and older folks, getting vaccines, makes me very happy indeed.