Weeknotes #45: Honey doesn’t matter

  • Work calmed down a bit and for the first time it’s felt like what a normal week should be like, which in itself has been a wake up call. I need to seriously re-evaluate the sustainability of the volume and pace of the last 18 months. A reset is due, I think. Next month.
  • It’s a Sin has spawned some lovely playlists, including of course an official one but most importantly these incredible spin-offs by Duckie’s Readers Wifes that explore the slightly less trodden path through this era. Check them out here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
  • Re-finding this article about companies’ second acts this past week was timely. The pandemic up-ends so much. Out of chaos, opportunity. A re-evaluation of what’s needed. Reorientation.
  • Enjoyed rummaging through some old episodes of Song Exploder, including Robyn talking about Honey and Christine talking about Doesn’t Matter and these two episodes are delicious opposites: one discussing the carrying an idea for years before reaching fruition – the other talking about a song dreamed up in tears in one evening.
  • I’m listening to How To Be a Liberal while I cycle in the dark at the moment to try and understand, from scratch, a bit more about how we’ve ended up in societal situation in the UK where we’ve sort of forgotten to care about each other. So far, I’m pretty much no wiser. But I have learned a bit about Harriet Taylor and John Stuart Mill.
  • Both Elvis and I are eating slightly smaller portions until the winter spread has been banished. We’re both pretty cross about it tbh.
  • More snow! Just what we needed.

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