Late weeknotes: every spare minute is full right now – must try and make sure time is spared for this in the coming seven or eight weeks.
I’m at capacity for the next few weeks between Britten and Mozart. Good progress happening with both – but culturally couldn’t be more different. Making context switching very, very interesting.
Snuck a few days at the Edinburgh festival seeing amazingly talented friends Scottee, Harry, Ginger, Jayde, Travis all producing wonderfully powerful work that left us speechless. Also saw some stand-up, glee-style radness, and got to gad around Edinburgh in mostly sunshine (unusual) and eat incredible food lovingly cooked by Pino and Peter, and longed after by Daisy dawg. A little spa session was well-timed, and some bao and gyoza at Lucky Yu were a culinary treat. Next year I want to go for a week.